Exemplary Choir ''Kamerton''
The choir has a diversity of participants. Here everyone is valuable for its unique spiritual world. It is a collective of
like-minded people. Since the foundation of the choir highly skilled, experienced, creative choirmasters has been working here. Their brightest talents, professionalism and creativity have helped the choirs to achieve high results.
Since 1955, much attention has been paid to choral singing. The first teacher of the choir was Z.G. Kryazheva, a little later
the tradition was continued by N.I. Yakusheva, M.V. Vavrukh, E.N. Spirina. Since 1998 the head of the choir has been S.G. Boiko.
In 1999 the choir defended the title «exemplary». For several years the Choir «Kamerton» has been a laureate and a winner of international and regional competitions: the Regional Competition «Novye imena», the International Festival «Kolozhsky blagovest», the Christmas Festival of Navahrudak Eparchy «Slava v vyshnikh Bogu», the Festival of Performing Groups of
the Children Musical School and the Children School of Arts organized by the Lida Methodical Association.
The Choir “Kamerton” takes an active part in the concert activities of the town and district.