Application Form
for participation in the festival-contest "The Bird"
1. Full name and age (or the name of the band indicating the age of each of its members in the attached list)
2. Nomination:
3. Director’s name:
4. Address, telephone number (of the Head), e-mail:
5. The name of the sending institution
6. Full name of the acting Director of the institution, the base of which the participant (team) is used, phone number, e-mail:
7. The name of the accompanist (or an attached list with the names of each member of the ensemble accompanying the soloist):
8. The first competition works:
The author of the text (if any):
Execution time:
9. The second competition works:
The author of the text (if any):
Execution time:
10. Equipment (microphones, remote controls, tools, media, phonogram, etc.):
Signature of head of the institution
STAMP (signature)