Exemplary Chamber Orchestra
The foundation of the chamber orchestra of the Children's Music School began in 1972 when, under the guidance of a teacher
of violin V.M. Glebovskaya, the ensemble of violinists was established. The purpose of the orchestra was to form and develop students' skills and techniques of ensemble playing. In the early 80-ies the ensemble of violinists was headed by I.S. Rusetski,
a teacher of the String Department. The students performed works of classical music composers of the 16-17 centuries.
In the early 90-ies a chamber orchestra was formed under the guidance of L.V. Kvyatkovskaya, a teacher of violin.
The number of participants increased significantly and reached 16 people. The repertoire became more diverse, as they performed not only classical music pieces but the works by soviet composers as well.
In 1999, under the guidance of G.I. Sushchevsky, a teacher of string folk department the children's chamber orchestra received the title of «Exemplary» Chamber Orchestra. The membership in the orchestra and its repertoire increased significantly and became more diversified. A viola and a contrabass appeared and changed greatly the sound of the orchestra.
The exemplary chamber orchestra takes an active part in school concerts.
Since 2000 the exemplary orchestra has been headed by A.G. Orlova, a teacher of the string department. The number of players in the orchestra has increased to 22 people. Beside string instruments the orchestra includes a piano (accompanist N.I. Lugina)
as well as percussion instruments. The orchestra's repertoire includes more and more diverse genres of music.
One can hear compositions of different epochs and styles.
In 2006, the chamber orchestra confirmed the title «exemplary». The band actively participates in concerts and festivals.
In 2008, there was the Festival of performing collectives of children from Music Schools and Art Schools organized by
the Methodical Association in Lida, where the Exemplary Chamber Orchestra was awarded an honorary diploma.
In 2010 the orchestra participated in the Regional Competition of Ensembles «Vesnavy pramenchyk»-2010 which was held in
the town of Molodechno, and it was awarded a diploma for successful performance.
It should be noted that in addition to the main band, the junior group of the Exemplary Chamber Orchestra is also actively participates in the concerts.
In 2011 and 2014 the orchestra again confirmed the title «exemplary».
Currently, the orchestra's repertoire has greatly been enriched with the works of jazz and pop music.